
Showing posts from February, 2014

Chaser LEDs Project Using PIC16F877A MUC

Components 1, PICF877A MUC ------------ 1 2, 12Mhz or 8Mhz XTL -------1   ( Change XTL value of program cod ) 3, 22PF Capacitor --------------2 4, IC 7805 -----------------------1 5, 470 ohm Resistor-------------8 6,  LED --------------------------8 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADITONAL COMPONENTS 1, 10 Ohm Resistor ----------1 (Connect min power +5 to ic VCC & VPP) 2, 33k Resistor ---------------1 ( Connect VPP/MCLR PIN AND +5V) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM COD ( Hi Tech C) ------------------------------------- //8 -LED Chaser example program written for //PIC programming tutorial. //Target device PIC16F877A //Compiler HI-TECH C //Author Arun.s : #include <htc.h> #define _XTAL_FREQ 12000000 //setting the crystal frequency to 12MHz void main() { PORTB = 0xff; TRISB = 0x00; //Sets port B as a